Photo' Gallery, Some Prices & Links
Prices within picture's are for SCC MSLA Resin 3D prints of the body shells, click the pictures for more. Please email for ordering. Clickable links within some of the pictures in most cases go to the Shapeway's products with their materials & pricing.
Please feel free to send in any pictures of completed SCC loco kits or projects, maybe they will be featured here!

(£45) This gorgeous model was created by Garry Hall, after using an SCC 3D print produced here he cut out parts of the inside and re-adjusted the buffer beam heights to accommodate a new Hornby TT 120 Duchess chassis to excellent effect. His YouTube video shows it running

(£42.89) Completed by Sparkshot Furness J1, printed in Shapeways FXD with experimental 3D Printed Chassis. Video below.

(£64) A cracking model of Gordon by Andrew Postlethwaite, really impressive finish! 3D printed here.

(£34.89) Completed by Sparkshot SCC - RWS Green Goblin V2 Completed as NWR #6 'Percy' Body fits to a Hornby W4 Peckett 00 Chassis

(£34.89) Green Goblin V2 as 'Byron' completed by Sam Moss of the Ruddington MRC. Unique freelance industrial livery. Works for me!

(£38.89) Keith Wallace used a MSLA 3D printed body grafted on a Bachmann C Class loco to good effect. You can read about the build here:

(£24.99) Gareth Collier produced this stunning model in N gauge using the SCC E2 body mated to an RTR chassis. In this case a Shapeways FXD print.

(£48.89) Standard tank E2 completed by Danny Lovett.

(£48.89) Matt Lindsay has took a Shapeways WSF 3D printed body of the E2-X V2 and has mounted it on a Bachmann Jinty chassis. It's been given British Railways lining and crests as a 'what if' future upgrade to the E2's. Look brill! (Splasher size on CAD design has been increased since)

(£48.89) Completed by Tom Foster as Thomas. Superb result! Love the subtle weathering too.

(£48.89) Completed by Tom Foster as Thomas. Superb result! Love the subtle weathering too.

2mm Finescale LB&SCR E2 body mounted on a scratch built chassis by Peter Beech, absolutely phenomenal work!